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2010 Directory

Tuesday-Wednesday, February 16-17, 2010

We have moved to a new web home!

From today through mid-March, San Diego Jewish World will be published on a different site -- http://sdjewishworld.wordpress.com

About our new site:

INTERACTIVE -- Our new blog offers readers the opportunity to comment on stories whenever they desire, making San Diego Jewish World a forum for discussing Jewish issues facing our city, nation and world.

ACCESSIBLEReaders may access San Diego Jewish World either by clicking from this site or copying the web address,http://sdjewishworld.wordpress.com, directly into their browsers

SEARCHABLE BY DATE—At the top of the right column is an interactive calendar. A click on an underlined date will bring up all the stories posted on that day. For example, here is what happens if you click on the calendar date of Feb. 10

SEARCHABLE BY COUNTRY--Down the right column you will find the names of countries throughout the world. Stories about them are grouped together and may be accessed by clicking on them. For example, here is what happens if you click on Taiwan.

SEARCHABLE BY JEWISH PUBLIC OFFICIAL—From the city level to the U.S. national level, we follow the careers of Jewish public officials, whom we list alphabetically by first name. For example, here is what happens if you click on Bob Filner, a member of Congress from San Diego.

SEARCHABLE BY AUTHOR--You may search for the stories written by columnists and feature writers, who are listed alphabetically by first name. For example, here is what happens if you click on the name of columnist Ira Sharkansky.

SEARCHABLE BY TOPIC—Various topics such as the Holocaust, or Interreligious relations, or Judaism may be searched for stories relating to them. For example, here is what happens when you search Holocaust/Shoah.

SEARCHABLE BY NAME--Individuals whose names may appear within a story may be searched by typing their names in the search box. For example, here's what happens if you were to type in the search box Netanyahu.

CONTINUOUS—Using this system, stories can be posted on a continuous basis. We don't have to wait for the next edition as there can be a new addition at any minute.

ARCHIVES—You can still use the site you are reading now for for its archives

QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS--We'd welcome learning your reaction to this new system. Please contact editor Don Harrison at editor@sandiegojewishworld.com with your appraisal and questions or call assistant editor Gail Umeham at (619) 463-2247.

Middle East

Israel/ Palestinian Territories

The fear of peace: the danger to Israel ... by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem

Reportage on Israel’s Ethiopian, Russian immigrants focused on their differences from Israeli norms

Where are the pressure points? ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan

Respect, reconciliation, and religious freedom may be key in Pakistan, but what about Iran? ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem


Filner joins in resolution to honor Miep Gies for helping Anne Frank and family

United States of America

Unwanted loyalty test in Massachusetts election ... by Bruce S. Ticker in Massachusetts

Walter Arnold, master sculptor, is represented in numerous collections
... by Danny Bloom in Chiayi City, Taiwan

San Diego County

Israel’s Ambassador Michael Oren in San Diego ... by Morris Casuto in La Jolla, California

Schmooze and News of San Diego area Jews ... by Donald H. Harrison in San Diego

An aliyah for a Ukrainian Jewish centenarian now living in San Diego ... by Eddie Rosenberg in San Diego

Young Israel San Diego “rocks” on Tu B’Shvat ... by Clare Gold in San Diego


Responsible for the Commandments... by Rabbi Leonard Rosenthal in San Diego


J.D. Salinger, z”l, in retrospect ... by Rabbi Philip Graubart in La Jolla, California

San Diego Jewish Film Festival preview: ‘A Shabbos Mother’

Cris D’Annunzio Digs His Dad ... by Cynthia Citron in Santa Monica, California

Links to Jewish-interest stories
in other publications

Rabbi Ben Kamin on examiner.com: Palin should look at soul, not hand

Thursday-Saturday, February 11-13, 2010

Middle East

Israel/ Palestinian Territories

What peace process? ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Controversy over New York Times’ reporter’s son in IDF ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Palestinians disrupt Israeli speakers in UK and US

Farmers from Gaza and West Bank meet with Israeli counterparts at Peres Center


Proposed sanctions against Iran reportedly gathering speed

Obama predicts significant sanctions against Iran

Arab Nations
An American Ambassador in Syria ... by Shoshana Bryen in Washington, D.c

United States of America

Campbell describes himself as a supporter of Israel .. by Bruce Kesler in Encinitas, California

Kiddush club on the Hudson ... by Jeanette Friedman in New YOrk

ZOA blames Chancellor Michael Drake for disruption of Ambassador Oren at UCI speech

ADL lauds Nancy Brinker for anti-discrimination efforts

San Diego County

Compelling exhibit on Japanese Americans in the military at Veterans Memorial Center ... by Donald H. Harrison in San Diego

Six-figure sum raised at Seacrest Village gala

‘On the Go’ announces events for which it will provide senior transportation

Latin America

Luis Liberman Ginsburg elected vice president of Costa Rica


The Jewish concepts of time ... by Fred Reiss, Ed.D in Winchester, California


A comedy about off-key singer Florence Foster Jenkins ... by David Amos in Solana Beach, California

Gallery to examine Jewish contributions to rock n’ roll

Woodstock ‘father’ Artie Kornfeld comes to LFJCC March 10

Ali Viterbi to star in J’Company production of ‘The Sound of Music’

Old Globe extends ‘Lost in Yonkers’ one week


Bees become addicted to caffeine and nicotine, study shows

Links to Jewish-interest stories
in other publications

Dean Calbraith in San Diego Union-Tribune: Top philanthropists cut back on charitable giving in 2009

Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie in Orange County Register: Free speech at issue at UCI

Rabbi Ben Kamin on Examiner.com: Muslim outrage at the University of California (Irvine)

Eleanor Yang Su in San Diego Union-Tribune: Day devoted to teaching of Jewish tradition


Today's issue is dedicated with Happy Feb. 12 birthday wishes to Jeremy Berg, who has the distinction of sharing the birthday with Abraham Lincoln.

Tuesday-Wednesday, February 9-10, 2010

Middle East

Israel/ Palestinian Territories

Ahmadinejad ratchets up nuclear tensions

Hamas official meets with Russia’s foreign minister

Troubles called Yvette ... by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem

What’s happening now in the Middle East? ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem


Ahmadinejad ratchets up nuclear tensions

Iran arrests seven, accuses two of being U.S. spies

United States of America

Sarah’s here! ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

San Diego County

The Mikveh Monologues makes its San Diego debut ... by Sara Appel-Lennon in La Jolla

Commentary: Observations on Yom Limmud ... by Charlene Neely in La Jolla

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, April 2, 1954, Part III
--Lasker Lodge
--Jewish War Vets Install Officers
--Zionists Help Drive
--Fox Lodge News
--Beth Jacob News
--Young Couples Club Put On Varied Program
--Pi Alpha Lambda Sings
--Purim Dinner Liked By All Service Men

Paso Robles Winemakers Converge on San Diego ....
by Lynne Thrope in San Diego

San Diegan sentenced for pointing laser at aircraft


Anti-apartheid activist Harry Schwarz dies


A little torture and he'll tell you anything ... by Cynthia Citron in Los Angeles

Itzhak Perlman delivers a ‘message’ from Beethoven ... by Eileen Wingard in San Diego

Modigliani mystery solved?

Links to Jewish-interest stories
in other publications

Evelyn Gordon in Commentary: Why the truth constitutes 'incitement'

Rabbi Ben Kamin on Examiner.com: Does the Saints victory really help New Orleans?

Rabbi Dow Marmur in The Star of Toronto: Israel and Canada cooperate on husbanding water

Kelly Thornton on Voice of San Diego: Kolender endorses two opposing candidates for judge


To dedicate an issue of San Diego Jewish World to a loved one, contact our advertising director, Nancy Harrison, at 619 265-0808.

Sunday-Monday, February 6-7, 2010

Middle East

Israel/ Palestinian Territories

Berlusconi in Knesset speech empathizes with Shoah and war victims

Egyptian Journalists Union reprimands two for contacts with Israel

Who’s winning the cyber war between Israel and the Palestinians?

U.S. donates $40 million for Palestinian refugee relief

ADL says Mideast grades for Obama are ACF

ZOA criticizes 54 members of Congress who signed letter on Gaza to Obama

El Al and Ahava join for a sales promotion

Commercial fishing off Israel coast jeopardizing dolphins

U.S. more generous to Palestinians than to some Americans ... by Ira Sharkanky in Jerusalem

What’s happening now in the Middle East? ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Firm that exported Boeing 747s to Iran pays $17 million in fines and penalties

San Diego County

Pre-school friendly Kabbalat Shabbat set Feb. 26 at Beth Am

Beth Am sets Purim events February 27 and 28

Temple Solel to host Purim carnival Feb. 28

James Caroll, former priest, weighs Zionism after the Holocaust Feb. 28

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, April 2, 1954, Part II ... compiled by Gail Umeham
--Engagement Told
--Betrothal Revealed
--To Lead Hadassah
--Synagogues to Care for Servicemen


Global Jewish leadership conference set for Johannesburg


The Jews Down Under~Roundup of Australian Jewish News ... by Garry Fabian
--Cooking duo eyes $100,000 prize
--New Jewish School opens up in Sydney's west
--Countdown begins for Maccabi Games
--Rabbi Apple reflects on a lifetime of issues
--A taste of Kosher comes to town
--New Australian ambassador to Israel
--Arab Bully Boy tactic threatens UN aspiration
--Welcome mat pulled from Israeli academic


Tifereth Israel preschoolers experience a sacred moment ... by Rabbi Leonarde Rosenthal in San Diego

Perennial Shabbat and recalculating automobile GPS systems ... by Rabbi Baruch Lederman in San Diego


San Diego Jewish Film Festival preview: ‘Off and Running' ... by Yvonne Greenberg in La Jolla, California

Cynthia Citron on Examiner.com: Please pray for all concerned

Links to Jewish-interest stories
in other publications

Netalya Antelava for BBC News: Who will pray in rebuilt Beirut synagogue?

Richard Greenberg in Washington Jewish Week: A bizarre choice

Craig Gustafson in San Diego Union-Tribune: Cushman's word use irks Frye

National Public Broadcasting: Jews and basketball


To dedicate an issue of San Diego Jewish World to a loved one, contact our advertising director, Nancy Harrison, at 619 265-0808.

Thursday-Saturday, February 4-6, 2010

Middle East

Israel/ Palestinian Territories

“We, the free and liberal people… ” -- Bersculoni visits Israel .... by Shoshana Bryen in Washington, D.C.

United States of America

American Wealth and International Affairs ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

San Diego County

Model Railroad Museum tells of a role model-railroading feminist ... by Donald H. Harrison in San Diego


San Diego Jewish Film Festival preview: ‘Look Into My Eyes’ ... by Paul Greenberg in La Jolla, California

San Diego Jewish Film Festival preview: ‘Zrubavel’ ... by Yvonne Greenberg in La Jolla, California

San Diego Jewish Film Festival preview: ‘Breaking Upwards’ ... by Dana Greene in La Jolla, California

Sports and the Arts ... by David Amos in San Diego

Thursdays with the Songs of Hal Wingard, z"l
#229--Self-Referential Rap
#242--The Wheels on the Bus
#276--To Make A Long Story Short
#292--Echo Song

Links to Jewish-interest stories
in other publications

Rabbi Michael Berk in San Diego Union-Tribune: Haiti and the humanity of Israel


To dedicate an issue of San Diego Jewish World to a loved one, contact our advertising director, Nancy Harrison, at 619 265-0808.

Tuesday-Wednesday, February 2-3, 2010

Middle East

Israel/ Palestinian Territories

Growing influence of Haredim changing character of Israel ... by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem

Berlusconi’s plea to Israel to return Golan Heights to Syria not likely to win compliance ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Honorary Savta for a day
... by Judy Lash Balint in Jerusalem

Haiti Relief

SDJA collects over 1,000 boxes of supplies for Haiti

San Diego County
Passion and compassion characterized UJF Men’s Event ... by Randy Fadem in La Jolla, California

David Sigal named CFO of UJF of San Diego

Seacrest Village gala Feb. 6 to recognize local firefighters

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History ... April 2, 1954
... compiled by Gail Umeham
--An Open Letter from Victor Schulman
--Fund Workers Swing Into Action As Drive Opens
--Women’s Division To Hear Outstanding Speaker At El Cortez on Monday, April 5
--Queens Crowned At Pioneer Women’s Ball
--Yo-Ma-Co’s Hold Rummage Sale
--New Subscribers
--AZA Elects
--Hadassah Gets Set For Regional Conference; Eddie Cantor to be Honored


The Jews Down Under~Roundup of Australian Jewish News... compiled by Garry Fabian
--Australia Day Honours for community members
--Erlich through to doubles quarter finals
--Local hero award for "food rescuer"
--Adelaide shule gets new rabbi
--School is in for another year
--Auschwitz survivor recalls horrors of the Holocaust


'Lost in Yonkers' scores high on all fronts ... by Carol Davis in San Diego

'The Collector' will pin you to your seats ... by Cynthia Citron in Santa Monica, California

San Diego Jewish Film Festival preview: ‘The Jazz Baroness’ ... by Gail Feinstein Forman in San Diego


The real 'Gidget' and other legends featured at California Surf Museum ... by Donald H. Harrison in Oceanside, California

Links to Jewish-interest stories
in other publications

A sand painter illustrates Soviet Union's fight against Hitler in memorable You Tube video

San Diego News Network: State of Bob Filner's Union

Roger Showley in San Diego Union-Tribune: Zell upbeat on outlook for office properties

Michael Wex on his blog: Why send your kid to a Hebrew day school?


To dedicate an issue of San Diego Jewish World to a loved one, contact our advertising director, Nancy Harrison, at 619 265-0808.

Sunday-Monday, January 31-February 1, 2010

Middle East

Israel/ Palestinian Territories

Evidence of Palestinian corruption should put brakes on U.S. Mideast push ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Now, why would anyone be pessimistic in Israel? ... by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem

Aid to Gaza and to Haiti ... by Shoshana Bryen in Washington, D.C.

Iraq right to fight al Qaeda, resist Ba’ath ... by Shoshana Bryen in Washington, D.C.

United States of America

Obama’s State of the Union proves again he’s a speaker, but can he also be a doer? ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Can Barbara Boxer be beat?
... by Bruce Kesler in Encinitas, California

Haiti Relief

Jews doing good… and fighting evil ... by Rabbi Baruch Lederman in San Diego

San Diego County

Miramar National Cemetery dedicated in San Diego ... by Donald H. Harrison

Touring Presidio Park, Part I and Part II ... by Donald H. Harrison in San Diego

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, March 19, 1954, Part V ... Compiled by Gail Umeham
--Double Talk
--City of Hope
--Jewish Center News
--Children Back Fund DriveWith Dimes
--Fox Lodge News


Pshaw! said the Red Sea, it’s only Moses ... by Rabbi Leonard Rosenthal in San Diego


I'm Still Here ... Memoirs of Laura Simon, 104
We reach the conclusion of this remarkable memoir
--Miami Change Police
--Shopping-Care Centers
--Still Looking for a Home
--Assisted Living
--Medical Conferences--Arch Support for the Fashion Show
-- The Shoes Are Fixed--The Bride Is Too Beautiful
-- Fashion Show
--50th Anniversary
--Toronto Wedding
--Dear Diary
--The Village Office Girl
--Fighting the Vacuum Cleaner
--Men Entertain Me in the Clubhouse
--Stem Cells
--Duke Story
--A Mitzvah
--My Sister Berdie
--Far Away
--The MTS Bus Takes Me The Wrong Way
--A Helpful Cab Driver
--My Golden Day
--A Mother's Worry
--Times Have Changed
--Reminiscing Thoughts
-- Diamond Education
-- Senior Party
--Driveway Accident
-- Thursday, December 5, 2002
--Syd's Telephone Call
--A Wonderful Visit
--La Jolla Shores
--The Centennial Celebration

Talmi tells of Wagner ban in Israel ... by Eileen Wingard in La Jolla, California

San Diego Jewish Film Festival preview: ‘Adam’s Wall’ ... by Randy Fadem in La Jolla, California

"Whisper House" at The Old Globe A Whisper Away From Potential ... by Carol Davis in San Diego

No Willing Witness to Catastrophes ... by Natasha Josefowitz in La Jolla, California

Links to Jewish-interest stories
in other publications

How an old-fashioned grandmother became an Internet superstar (with a little help from her grandson) ... in the Boston Globe


To dedicate an issue of San Diego Jewish World to a loved one, contact our advertising director, Nancy Harrison, at 619 265-0808.

Thursday-Saturday, January 28-30, 2010


Holocaust commemorations across the globe

Poverty grips half the Holocaust survivors alive today

Middle East

Israel/ Palestinian Territories

JNF invests $100 million in cutting edge water programs for Israel … by Ulla Hadar in Sderot, Israel

El Al passenger recovers $50,000 in jewelry

From Israel’s perspective, a silver lining in anti-Semitism: It increases aliyah … by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem  

ADL condemns Rabbi Shapira as extremist, urges other Jews to do likewise

Yad Vashem displays Nazi blueprints for Auschwitz


Kantor: Iran denies Holocaust because it doesn’t want world to recognize its lessons

European Union members consider possible sanctions against Iran

Siemens to cut future business deals with Iran

United States of America

Former Malaysian PM says U.S. staged 9/11 attacks

ZOA says ADL owes Rush Limbaugh an apology for asking for one

Abdulmutallab belongs in military custody — Senators Lieberman and Collins

ACLU accuses Lieberman, others of wanting to discard Constitution in terror cases

Haiti Relief

Jewish Community Foundation donors send over $100,000 for Haiti relief


Retired bishop call Jews ‘arrogant’ and Shoah use a ‘propaganda weapon’

Movement to equate communist rule with Holocaust seen as an attempt to marginalize latter

Extremists threaten life of imam in France who wants improved Jewish-Muslim relations

ADL says Papandreou’s letter to Jewish community a ‘positive step’

Just how ‘enlightened’ is Europe? … by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Music and diary revive dark feelings of Shoah .. by Dorothea Shefer-Vanson in Mevasseret Zion, Israel

San Diego County

Preventing teen dating violence ... An interview with Dr. Marni Greenberg by Yvonne Greenberg

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, March 19, 1954, Part IV … compiled by Gail Umeham
–Desert Trip Planned By Zionist Group
–Sisterhood Tells A Secret Wed. Mar. 24
–Yo-Ma-Cos Are Buying A Bus!
–Beth Jacob Plans For Passover Seder
–Queen Esther To Be Chosen By Pioneer Women Sunday
–Eddie Cantor To Speak for Hadassah
–T. I. Men’s Club Host Servicemen At Seder


For some animals, almond nectar is poisonous, but pollinating bees love it

Arts & Cuisine

Emerging Filmmakers to have their day Feb 15 at S.D. Jewish Film Festival

San Diego Jewish Film Festival preview: ‘Bruriah’ … by Randy Fadem in La Jolla, California

A funny thing happened while he was composing classical music ... by David Amos in San Diego

Thursdays with the Songs of Hal Wingard, z”l
#145 — You Be the Judge!
#88 — I Never Tell a Lie
#148 — What’s the Good?
#67 — Just So-So

Brandt Beef Offered at Zel’s Del Mar … by Lynne Thrope in Del Mar, California

Links to Jewish-interest stories
in other publications

Links to Jewish-Interest Stories of Other Publications

Carol Davis on Examiner.Com: San Diego Critics Circle Honors

Rabbi Ben Kamin on Examiner.Com: The French burqa resolution is feeble

National Museum of American Jewish History on YouTube: “It’s Your Story”

Marty Peretz in the New Republic: Maybe I’m getting paranoid … about Obama

Ilene Prusher in Wall Street Journal: These Palestinians aren’t happy about Israeli settlement freeze

Valerie Scher on San Diego News Network: Adam Lambert: Get the Birthday Cake Ready

Tinamarie Bernard on SheWrites.Com: An unlikely Holocaust Remembrance Day love story

David Brin on Salon.com: Haiti: Urban planning amid the rubble

Tuesday-Wednesday, January 26-27, 2010


Global anti-Semitism reported highest since Holocaust

Middle East

Israel/ Palestinian Territories
Israel readies official response to Goldstone Report

Israel needs to address Goldstone Report seriously ... by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem

Differential wages becoming the norm on kibbutzim

Arab World

Yemen’s Foreign Minister briefs Rothman on anti-terror efforts

United States of America

Bin Laden threatens more attacks on U.S.

U.S. insurance companies put profits ahead of health ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Haiti Relief

Israeli left says Gaza entitled to Haiti-style aid ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem


Four arrested in synagogue arsons


The Jews Down Under~Roundup of Australian Jewish News

--Peer Protest moves to Melbourne
--Peer advances to second round
--Youth movements safe despite GFC
--Dudi Sela blows lout of Australian Open
--Australian Jewry rallies for Haiti
--Israeli Torah scholar sets up new Kollel
--Can Pakula make the trains run on time?
--Country music with a slice of kugel

San Diego County

Single parents and their children get a jump on Tu b’Shevat at Mission Trails Regional Park ... by Donald H. Harrison in San Diego

Adventures in San Diego History, March 19, 1954, Part III... compiled by Gail Umeham
--B.J. Sisterhood Holds Purim Party Mar. 23
--Federation Agencies Seek Less Subsidy
--Bowler Wins 5 Trophies
--Lasker Lodge News
--Synagogue Men’s Club Holds Dinner
--Birdie Stodel To Honor Past Presidents
--Young Couples Club Square Dance


"Hurlyburly "Another Plus For ion Theatre
... by Carol Davis in San Diego

San Diego Jewish Film Festival preview: ‘William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe’ ... by Paul Greenberg in La Jolla, California

Music writer Amos in Athenaeum series on classical composers

San Diego Opera announces scholarly lecture series on the historic ‘Nabucco’

Links to Jewish-interest stories
in other publications

Hillel Fendel on Arutz Sheva: Somali Pirates Negotiating Release of 2 Israeli-Owned Ships

Anne Krueger in San Diego Union-Tribune: These animals are truly blessed

Peter Kubicek on Northward Ho website: Church actions in Slovakia militate against sainthood for Pope Pius XII

U.S. State Department: Press briefing on Yemen


To dedicate an issue of San Diego Jewish World to a loved one, contact our advertising director, Nancy Harrison, at 619 265-0808.

Sunday-Monday, January 24-25, 2010

Middle East
Israel/ Palestinian Territories

Has U.S. eliminated Israel’s qualitative edge over possible Arab foes?

Hamas politician hints of possible change in attitude towards Israel

Greek deputy prime minister accuses Israel of practicing Nazi-style mass punishment

University of Haifa creates new hearing research center

Sleepless in Jerusalem over whether Israel is becoming as bad as any other nation ... by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem
The ominous quiet in the Middle East ... by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem

OECD mischaracterizes Israel’s economy ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Arab World

Petraeus says references to biblical verses have no place on rifle scopes

Two Guantanamo detainees transferred to Algeria

United States of America

Tefillin use scares flight crew; plane makes emergency landing in Philadelphia

B’nai B’rith wants airline personnel to be educated about Jewish religious articles

Military drops charges in 9/11 cases to clear way for civilian prosecution

Cardin seeks review of reported plans to hold some Guantanamo detainees indefinitely

Hoekstra calls on Obama to rescind decision to close Guantanamo Bay prison

Napolitano, Europeans discuss airline safety upgrades

Congressman Bilirakis calls for increased U.S. visa screening overseas

ADL: Limbaugh should apologize to Jewish community for stereotyping

In first year, Obama’s promise eclipsed his performance ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Sexual abuse of children in the Jewish community: difficult but important to face ... by Donald H. Harrison in San Diego

Haiti Relief

SDJA collecting material donations for Haiti quake victims

Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Responds to Haiti Crisis

Haiti field hospital demonstrates Israel’s humanitarianism, technical skills ... by Rabbi Leonard Rosenthal in San Diego

Seattle-based Internet hate-monger spreads ‘organ harvesting’ rumor about Israel in Haiti

Renegade bishop questions Israel’s legitimacy

Muslim police say British anti-terror measures fan Islamophobia

Jewish leadership urges Britain to maintain ban on Muslim Council of Britain

Security guard at Auschwitz dismissed in aftermath of sign theft

Arrests made in Crete synagogue arson case

Muslim forms anti-Zionist party in Sweden


Debate over God’s authorship of the Torah also a debate over meaning in the world ... by Rabbi Philip Graubart in La Jolla, California

The blessing that led to a fortune .... by Rabbi Baruch Lederman in San Diego

Looking at who wrote the Bible — from the scribes’ viewpoints ... by Fred Reiss, Ed.D, in Winchester, California

San Diego County

Adventures in a Jewish pre-school ... by Donald H. Harrison in San Diego

Letter to the Editor: Mikvaot in San Diego ... from Nechama Eilfort in Carlsbad

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, March 19, 1954, Part II... Compiled by Gail Umeham
--Jolly Sixteen Sponsors Purim Dinner And Dance For Military
--Local Council Joins Nat’l Advisory Group
--Simon Takes Lead In Oceanside Campaign
--Jews Want To Be Jews (Editorial)
--Chaim Weitzman Branch, Poale Zion
--Cottage of Israel
-- Histadrut Council

My Shtetele California: 19th Century proposal to make Baja California the Jewish homeland ... Reprint of a 1971 story by Rabbi Will Kramer


Susan Denaker Hits NCR on a High Note (Kind of) ... by Carol Davis in San Diego

Book Review: ‘Once Jews, Stories of Caribbean Sephardim’ ... Review by Charlene Neely in La Mesa, California

I'm Still Here -- Memoirs of Laura Simon, 104
--Blind Wife
--A Rat Is Not A Rose
--Crazy Hair
--Blind Support Group
--Eye Exercises
--The Alarm
--Hearing Secretary
--Indian Casino
--The Refund

Links to Jewish-interest storiesin other publications

European Jewish Congress: Jewish-Muslim understanding; making twins out of synagogues and mosques.

Herb Keinon in Jerusalem Post: Porous Sinai border presents threat

John Marelius in San Diego Union-Tribune: Poizner trailing Whitman in GOP gubernatorial polling

Greg Moran in San Diego Union-Tribune: Dumanis calls off boycott of judge

Hoa Quach on San Diego News Network: Shana Hazan, JFS development associate, named to SDNN's '35 under 35' list

Barry Rubin on Rubin Reports: The decline of the Obama administration in Massachusetts and the Middle East

Jonathan Tobin in Commentary: Muslims attack Christians and the church blames the Jews

U.S. Department of State: Secretary Clinton and Yemen's Foreign Minister Al-Qirbi tell of joint plans to fight terrorism


To dedicate an issue of San Diego Jewish World to a loved one, contact our advertising director, Nancy Harrison, at 619 265-0808.

Thursday-Saturday, January 21-23, 2010

Tuesday-Wednesday, January 19-20, 2010

Middle East


The Cabinet and marital influences shape Bibi’s policy ... by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem

The nails that may cause the undoing of Netanyahu and Obama ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Correcting rightwing misinformation about Israel and Palestine ... by J. Zel Lurie in Delray Beach, Florida

Sixteen Jewish innovators will gather in Israel this summer

Arab World
Iraq seeks return from U.S. of Jewish archives

China vetoes new round of U.N. sanctions against Iran

United States of America

Western States Jewish History: Rabbi tells story behind his officiating the marriage of Sammy Davis Jr. and May Britt

Haiti Relief

Shaare Zedek medical team in Haiti

El Al flies medical personnel, supplies to Haiti


Pope Benedict XVI calls for healing of wounds between Jews and Catholics

Lauder’s advice to Pope before his visit to the Rome synagogue

Weekend arson is second attack on synagogue in Crete

The Jews Down Under~Roundup of Australian Jewish news ... Compiled by Garry Fabian
--A survivor’s homage to her floating angels
--JCCV seeks guidance on gay issues
--Another synagogue faces cash problems
--Knives & Forks at ten paces
--Paying tribute to Raoul Wallenberg
--Moshiach men sanctioned by rabbi
--Apron art promotes tolerance
--Heading for record feat
--Jewish Community acts on Haiti tragedy
--Israelis at Australian Open

Taiwanese convert learned wrong lesson from Christianity ... by Danny Bloom in Chiayi City, Taiwan

Terror-Related News Releases

Cyber-terrorism threat grows around the world

San Diego

Letter to editor: Raquel Bakcht mourned ... from Lou Kaplan

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, March 5, 1954, Part IV .... compiled by Gail Umeham

--Berlins Are Subject of “This Is Your Life”
--Bay City Women Plan Mardi Gras—Dance
--“Pink Poodle” Theme Of Council Of Jewish Women’s Fashions
--Brett Lounge To Be Dedicated At Synagogue
--Volunteers Needed
--New Life Club Fete Purim With Party


San Diego Jewish Film Festival preview: ‘Villa Jasmin’ ... by Laurel Corona in La Jolla, California

San Diego Jewish Film Festival preview: ‘From Philadelphia to the Front’ ...by Gail Feinstein Forman in La Jolla, California

‘Jewish Poets, Jewish Voices’ returns to Astor Judaica Library

The Brilliance of Chelm and IB Singer; Shlemiel the First on the West Bank of the Hudson ... by Jeanette Friedman in Montclair, New Jersey

Links to stories in other publications

Judy Lash Balint on Jerusalem Diaries: In Tense Times: Honored I'm Sure

Rabbi Ben Kamin on Examiner.com: In truth, Dr. King led a short life he never chose

Hone Phillips on Examiner.com: As Joshua was to Moses, so Paul was to Jesus

Cantor Alisa Pomerantz-Boro on You Tube: 'We Shall Overcome'

Barry Rubin on Rubin Reports: Muslim Brotherhood Cleric Versus Palestinian "President": A Case Study of Islamism Versus Nationalism

SciTech: The 2,700-year-old Pashtun link to Israel

E.B. Solomont in Jerusalem Post: Haitian woman gives birth in Israeli field hospital

Janice Steinberg in San Diego Union-Tribune: Perlman, an ambassador with a fiddle

Jewish Family Service: Heart and Soul Gala to honor Charles and Albert Feurzeig, Michael London and Felicia Mandelbaum

Lori Weisberg in San Diego Union-Tribune: The Cohn's Variety Show; Range of restaurants has brought couple success


This issue is dedicated to Jason Cory Poliak, weighing in on January 16 at 8 pounds and stretching the tape at 21 inches. He is the first son of Eric and Peggy Poliak.

Sunday-Monday, January 17-18, 2010

Mikveh Monologues Free Ticket Contest
Special Contest: Win a pair of tickets to Anita Diamant and the Mikveh Monologues, advertised in next column above right.. Be the first to email to sdheritage@cox.net the correct answer to this question: Name a famous sightseeing venue in Israel where the ancient mikveh is a featured attraction.

Middle East

Al Qaeda believed behind attempted roadside bombing at Allenby Bridge

Arab World

U.S., Morocco conduct exercise to thwart nuclear disaster

United States of America

U.S. Sentencing Commission recommends broadening hate crimes categories

Life in prison for Seattle Jewish Federation attacker Naveed Haq

Haiti Relief

Israel, worldwide Jewry mobilize to help Haiti

San Diego Councilwoman warns of Haiti scams

Israel brings hope and healing to Haiti ... by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem


Pope’s visit to Rome synagogue set for Sunday, January 17

Yad Vashem chairman asks Pope Benedict XVI not beatify Pius XII

Of Killing Fields and Looted Graves: A Catholic Priest Fulfills the Command, Zachor... by Jeanette Friedman in New York

ADL calls on Greek government to condemn firebombing attack on Crete synagogue

Czech trial begins to ban Workers Party as a neo-Nazi organization


Goodbye to all that! — An American Jew’s life in non-Christian Asia ... by Danny Bloom in Chiayi City, Taiwan


Why is a grapevine soft and spongy? ... by Rabbi Baruch Lederman in San Diego

Torah lesson: you don’t get something for nothing ... by Rabbi Leonard Rosenthal in San Diego

Terror-Related News Releases

All military should be required to report Islamist extremists in the ranks –Senate Homeland Security Committee

ACLU files Freedom of Information suit on U.S. ‘targeted killings’ overseas

San Diego

Alan Rusonik of AJE to address Hatikvah Hadassah Jan. 21

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, March 5, 1954, Part III...Compiled by Gail Umeham
--Jewish Center News
--Y.J.C. Club Dances
--J.C.C. Women’s League To Honor Board
--Temple Men’s Club Elects New Officers
--A New American Friend
--Hop, Skip and Protocol (Editorial)
--Community Currents


San Diego Jewish Film Festival preview: ‘Against The Tide’

Book on child sexual abuse in Jewish community wins award

‘Confusions’ is four–er, five–mini-plays rolled into one ... by Cynthia Citron in Los Angeles

I'm Still Here — Memoirs of Laura Simon, 104
--Home Health Care
-- Help
--Try and Find a Maid
--Other Worlds
--How a Legally Blind Woman Sees
--Blindness for Sure
--The Wooden Queen
--My High School Walker


"I’m Back. Kouz’s Gone. The Chargers are going all the way! ... by Joey Seymour in San Diego

Links to stories in other publications

Mehnaz Afridi on Common Ground website: Muslims and Jews~Continuing the Conversation

Tamar Caspi in Jerusalem Post: Dating Games: The Chemistry Quiz

Carolyn Glick in Jewish World Review: Ayres' wife heads to Middle East with group to collaborate with Hamas

Richard Greenberg in Washington Jewish Week: Auschwitz remains a symbol,l but will next generation remember?

Yaakov Katz in Jerusalem Post: IDF medical and rescue team will spend two weeks in Haiti

Rabbi Ben Kamin on Examiner.com: Even Haiti reveals moral disparity in Middle East

Dean Nelson in The Telegraph: Taliban may be descended from Jews

Barry Rubin in the Rubin Report: Brilliant Defender or Light-Weight? Some problems in the thinking of Michael Leiter, director of the National Counterterrorism Center

Sam Roberts in New York Times: Celebrating the Freshest 100-Year-Old Knish

Darren Schwartz on United Jewish Federation of San Diego website: Diary of a Birthright trip to Israel

Simon Tisdall in The Guardian: Wave of anti-Christian violence in Muslim world

Emma Tuttleman-Kreigler and Max Einhorn among San Diego News Network's list of 35 young leaders under 35

State Department sketches what Bin-Laden may look like today, in San Diego Union-Tribune

U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals: Dismisses claims of heirs of Holocaust victims who purchased life insurance policies, saying matter should be brought to the Claims Conference

U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals: Display of Ten Commandments in courthouse constitutional when included among other historic documents

U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals: Federal law preempts California's on return of looted Holocaust art

U.S. Department of Justice: Defendants added to conspiracy case in which David Headley charged with aiding terrorists in the Mumbai massacres and in a plot on Danish newspaper.

White House: Travel of National Security Advisor Jim Jones in Lebanon

White House: Inventory of documents in Ft. Hood massacre

Classified Advertisement

HOUSE TO RENT (091231)--Summer rental in Mevasseret Zion, Israel, July and August. Well-appointed large house with small garden. Can sleep six. Easy access to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Rent negotiable. Tel. +972-2-5345910.


To dedicate an issue to a loved one, please contact Nancy Harrison at (619) 265-0808.

Thursday-Saturday, January 14-16, 2010

Win Free Tickets!!
Special Contest: Win a pair of tickets to Anita Diamant and the Mikveh Monologue, advertised in next column above right.. Be the first to email to sdheritage@cox.net the correct answer to this question: Name a famous sightseeing venue in Israel where the ancient mikveh is a featured attraction.

Middle East


Ayalon apologizes for discourteous treatment of Turkish ambassador

Israel-Turkey relations continue to deteriorate

ADL says Turkey encouraging hateful statements about Jews

Turkey-Israel controversy a case of playing to each nation’s grandstands ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Ayalon has embarrassed Israel in handling of Turkey’s ambassador ...by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem

Parallels between terrorist incidents against U.S., Israel

...by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Jordan says it owns Dead Sea Scrolls

Samuel Hadas, leading Israeli diplomat, dies at 72

Sculpture recalling illegal immigration to Israel unveiled in Haifa

New species of spider found in vanishing sand dunes of the Arava

Schusterman Foundation finds improvements in education in U.S. about Israel

Who killed Mohammadi? Iran points to U.S, Israel. Reformers point to Iranian regime itself

Glencore International halts gasoline shipments to Iran

Arab World

Al Qaeda leader in Yemen reported killed by government forces

United States of America

Jewish groups, many others, join in effort to define laws affecting religions in U.S.

Western Hemisphere

Jewish community organizes relief effort for Haiti quake victims

American on Jewish humanitarian mission held in Cuban prison


Miep Gies, who hid Anne Frank and family, dies at 100

Demjanjuk lawyers seeking trial delay in Munich

Survivors asks Rome’s chief rabbi to lobby Pope Benedict XVI against sainthood for Pope Pius XII

Terror-Related News Releases

Miller introduces legislation to treat accused terrorists as enemy combatants

U.S. removes spent nuclear fuel from Turkey

San Diego

Agency for Jewish Education sets lecture series at Coronado Library

Block measures advance in Legislature on textbook tax relief, overseas tax havens and recidivism

Jewish-Interest License Plate~Netafim

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History ... March 5, 1954, Part II... Compiled by Gail Umeham
—Music Festival Set By Cantor Cysner
—Fox Lodge News
—Jewish War Veterans
—Cottage of Israel
—Double Talk by Janet & Susan Solof
—Famous Group of Jewish Artists Here Sun., March 7
—Purim Ball Slated By Pioneer Women
—Morris Feldman Dies
—Yo –Ma-Co News
—Deceased (Etta Lawrence, Rebecca Fischer)
—Chiropodist Opens New Office Here
—Beth Jacob News
—Si Rich New Prexy of T.I. Men’s Club
—Open Forum to Hear Speaker on McCarthy


San Diego Jewish Film Festival preview: ‘Brothers’ ... by Yvonne Greenberg in La Jolla

That orchestra is –yawn–boring; lock them up! ... by David Amos in San Diego

Thursdays with the songs of Hal Wingard, z"l

#129 -- Perspiration
#116 -- Pretense
#126 -- At the Pits


Jewish Charger Antonio Garay strives to help bring San Diego a Super Bowl championship ... by Joey Seymour in San Diego

She looked down on other Ruhama Riders–but they didn’t mind a bit ... by Ulla Hadar in Kibbutz Ruhama, Israel

Kevin Youkilis of Boston Red Sox voted ‘Jewish Player of the Decade’

Links to stories in other publications

Judy Lash Balint on Jerusalem Diaries~In Tense Times: Where to find Jews, Canaanites, Romans, Ummayads & Crusaders

David Brooks in New York Times: The Tel Aviv Cluster

David Hazony in Commentary: Aid to Israel: The Story in Numbers

Rabbi Ben Kamin on Examiner.com: He tells us to send more than talk to Haiti

Ed Koch on World Tribune.Com: Memo to Jimmy Carter: How Would One Know You're Really Sorry?

Jewish Family Service on its website: Panel on driving choices for older adults Feb.10 in Poway

David Portnoe in Jewish Community Voice (Southern New Jersey): Wednesday mornings are a special time for women at Beth El

Barry Rubin: A Mystery: What's Happening in American Public Schools and Why Aren't Parents Aware of It?

Kim Severson in New York Times: For some kosher means pure

Classified Advertisement

HOUSE TO RENT (091231)--Summer rental in Mevasseret Zion, Israel, July and August. Well-appointed large house with small garden. Can sleep six. Easy access to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Rent negotiable. Tel. +972-2-5345910.


Today's issue is dedicated with Jan. 15 happy birthday greetings to Eric Sands.

Tuesday-Wednesday, January 12-13

Middle East

8,000-year-old building found in Tel Aviv dig

Large grant for memory research goes to University of Haifa

B’nei Akiva promotes worldwide reunion for Pesach

Will new Gaza rocket attacks provoke another big Israeli response?
… by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

United States of America

Who are the U.S. allies in the war on terror? ... by Shoshana Bryen in Washington, D.C.

An ode to JINSA ... by Jay N. Jacobson in Boca Raton, Florida

Terror-Related News Releases

U.S. State Department: Johnson meets with ISF command in Beirut

Senator Grassley says those classified as "possible terrorists" still being permitted to travel to U.S.

Senator Johanss says U.S. should halt plans to move terror suspects from Guantanamo to U.S. or to unreliable third countries

ADL says Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle promote rather than combat extremist views

3rd Circuit Court of Appeals declines to set aside a Muslim's dismissal on security grounds.from the Department of Energy

San Diego

San Diego Jewish Profile: Bilingualism jumpstarted Loretta H. Adams’ career ... by Donald H. Harrison in La Jolla, California

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, March 8, 1954, Part I....compiled by Gail Umeham

--Mayor Butler To Speak March 8
--S.D. Borrows $75,000—Its Share of UJA Loan
--Helen Schulman Heads Woman’s Division For United Jewish --Fund Drive
--Betrothal Announced (Weitzman-Segal)
--Betrothal Told (Leson-Haimsohn)
--Spring Brings Styles To T.I. Sisterhood

Some times even the circus may not be a refuge ... by Cynthia Citron in Sherman Oaks, California

ADL says Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle promote rather than combat extremist views

Links to stories in other publications

Matthew T. Hall in San Diego Union-Tribune: Former local  cleric seen as the Bin-Laden of the Internet

San Diego Union-Tribune: Art Closkey, Gumby animator who also drew Davey and Goliath, dies

Mark Stevenson in San Diego Union-Tribune: Crash kills Mexican tycoon Moises Saba Masri

The Economist: Israel and Iran: The gathering storm

U.S. State Department: Statement on the persecution of Baha'i in Iran

Sunday-Monday, January 10-11, 2010

Middle East

Iraqis weigh suing Israel for 1981 destruction of nuclear reactor

Ayalon says Palestinian vilification of Israel hinders peace talks

U.N. peacekeepers find illegal Hezbollah bomb cache near Israeli border

Israel’s choice between risk and responsibility ... by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem

A tale of competing narratives ... by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem


Poizner says all insurance companies in California have reported their Iran-related holdings

Iranian exile anticipates demise of Ahmadinejad regime by year’s end

Arab World
Fatah official accuses Hamas of being pawn of Iran

U.S. State Department: Jordan's Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hold joint news conference

United States of America

Holocaust Museum gunman dies in hospital

Some ins and outs of the American health debate ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Terror-Related News Releases

President Barack Obama on White House. Gov: Remarks on strenghtening intelligence and aviation security

Robert Gibbs, press secretary on White House.Gov: Summary of White House review of attempted Christmas airplane bombing

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on White House website: Briefing on the Christmas bombing plot

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on her website: Obama response to bombing plot bold and courageous.

Senator Kit Bond on his website: Senate committee still has many questions on government's terrorism readiness

House Republican Leader John Boehner on his website: U.S. must not revert to pre-9/11 mentality

Senator David Vitter on his website: Airplane bombing plotter should not be tried in civilian court

Congressman Bob McKeon on his website: President must commit administration to winning war against terrorists

Congressman Bennie Thompson on his website: House Committee on Homeland Security to hold hearing on Christmas Day bombing plot

Congressman Todd Tiahrt on his website: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano should resign

Simon Wiesenthal Center on its website: U.S. Government should greatly expand its terrorist watch list

Jameel Jaffer of American Civil Liberties Union on ACLU website: Terror suspects should be tried in federal courts

Center for Constitutional Rights on its website: Congress should not keep secret the fate of terrorists

National Treasury Union Employees Leader Colleen Kelley: Improve security by professionalizing TSA

Migration Policy Institute on its website: To fight terrorism, U.S. and E.U. must agree on privacy issues


Anonymous letter makes new threat against Chabad House in Mumbai


Högström says he helped authorities solve Auschwitz sign theft case


The Jews Down Under~Roundup of Australian Jewish News compiled by Garry Fabian
--Zentai gets Yuletide reprieve
--A Climate change focus for rabbi's
--Change of scene for soccer star--Lifeline for Masada College
--Gold Coast shule's Rabbi in jeopardy


Breakthrough in the research of the Hebrew scriptures has shed new light on the period in which the Bible was written

Consensus seekers are true leaders ... by Rabbi Leonard Rosenthal in San Diego

San Diego

Sutton-Smolin selected for Hillel trip to bring medicines to Cuba

Democratic Professional Club to host Marti Emerald

TV's Carol LeBeau to moderate JFS forum on children, adolescents and mental health

Gary Shaw named community relations director for San Diego Convention Center

United Jewish Federation to sponsor July teen trip to Israel

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, February 19, 1954, Part III .... Compiled by Gail Umeham

--San Diegans To Hear Dr. Philip L. Seman March 3
--T.F.I. Men’s Club Party Hugh success
--Advertising—Its Role
--A Breath of Fresh Air
--Community Currents
--Jewish Center News


20th San Diego Jewish Film Festival will offer 51 movies on variety of topics

‘Steel Magnolias’ opens Welk season ... by Carol Davis in Escondido

I Am Still Here~Memoirs of Laura Simon, 104
--Dizzy with Exercise
--Eating Out
--Space Ship
--Shopping – Supermarket
--Supermarket Adventures
--Kosher Chicken?
--Bean Soup
--Getting Home From the Supermarket

Links to stories in other publications

Ben Caselman in Wall Street Journal: Mental State of Fort Hood Suspect Takes Central Role in Case

Hillel Halkin in the New Republic: Reviews The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand

Rabbi Ben Kamin on Examiner.com: The moral approach to terrorism is biblically inane

Pat Launer on San Diego News Network: Reviews The Last Days of Judas Iscariot

Barry Rubin on Rubin Reports: Outsmarting the terrorists by being incredibly stupid

Kelly Thornton in Voice of San Diego: Part 5 of her 5-part series on District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis

USA Today: Latest shot in hummus war: Israel doubles record

Classified Advertisement

HOUSE TO RENT (091231)--Summer rental in Mevasseret Zion, Israel, July and August. Well-appointed large house with small garden. Can sleep six. Easy access to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Rent negotiable. Tel. +972-2-5345910.


To dedicate an issue for a loved one's simcha, or as a memorial, contact Nancy Harrison at (619) 265 0808.

Thursday-Saturday, January 7-9, 2010

Middle East

Netanyahu says peace talks with Palestinians may resume soon

Sharon family observes fourth anniversary of his coma

Israeli officers cancel London trip for fear of Palestinian
motivated arrest warrants

New blood libel? Italians say Israeli bombs contaminate Gaza

Jerusalem Mayor Birkat protests possibility of both chief rabbis of Jerusalem being haredi

Municipality approves four new apartment buildings in East Jerusalem

Historical Center will tell story of first Jewish settlers of the Negev … by Ulla Hadar in Kibbutz Ruhama, Israel

Can there be Middle East peace without real leadership? … by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem
Has the influential Rabbi Daniel Gordis lost his way? .. by Rabbi Philip Graubart in La Jolla


Iran reports arrest of foreigners in connection with demonstrations

Arab World

Israeli pilgrims flock to Rabbi Abuhatzeira’s burial site in Egypt

United States of America

Six charges brought against Abdulmutallab in attempted Christmas bombing

Congressman wants Venezuela added to flight-originating countries requiring extra U.S. airport security .

Business air travel seen as unaffected by Christmas Day bombing plot

ADL urges Supreme Court to let states keep guns out of hands of violent extremists

RJC leader Brooks says Senate retirements harbinger of Democratic losses in 2010


Leader of anti-Nazi resistance, Freya von Moltke, dead at 98

Report that British neo-nazi collector commissioned theft of Auschwitz sign

ADL provides research on Pope Pius XII

San Diego

JFS College Avenue Older Adult Center tells February plans

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, February 19, 1954, Part II, compiled by Gail Umeham

--Lasker Lodge News
--Jewish Community Center Nursery
--B.B. Women Announce Winners of Essay Contest
--New Jewish Sorority on State Campus
--Double Talk
--Fox Lodge News
--Bay City Women Set Annual Dance
--Yo-Ma-C0 News
--Community Center Teen-Age News


Music can be bridge from deafness to hearing for children with cochlear implants


Talmis’ visit to San Diego prompts special JCC programming … by Eileen Wingard in La Jolla, California

Shirley Brody sculpture to be auctioned at JCC Talmi event …by Eileen Wingard in La Jolla, California

Thursdays with the songs of Hal Wingard, z”l

#223 -- Taken for Granted
#34 -- C'est La Vie
#155 -- In Giving Thought

The holidays and their music, Part II … by David Amos in San Diego

Barbra and Frank … Who’da Thunk? … by Carol Davis in Las Vegas

UC Irvine student tests whether You Tube is a ladder to movie-making success

Book examines the images Jews have of their own bodies … by Fred Reiss, Ed.D, in Winchester, California

Links to stories in other publications

Barbara Bry in San Diego News Network: An interview with Natasha Josefowitz

Peter Fritsch in Wall Street Journal: Chinese evade U.S. sanctions on Iran

Daniel Gordis in the Jerusalem Post: The End of the Exodus era

Yaakov Katz in Jerusalem Post: Iron Dome stops Kassams, Katyushas

Frazier Moore in San Diego Union-Tribune: ‘The Simpson’s marks 450th anniversary with special.” Story includes interview with cast member Harry Shearer, who is a Jewish community member.

Barry Rubin on Rubin Reports: Suicidal rules of Arab political debate

Jennifer Rubin in Commentary: Why Jews Hate Palin

Elan Singer in Forbes: The Boob Bomber

Kelly Thornton in Voice of San Diego: Part 2 of a 5 part series on Bonnie Dumanis, and Part 3. (District Attorney Dumanis is a Jewish community member)

U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington D.C.: Decides in Al-Bihani vs. Obama that Guantanamo detention did not violate constitutional rights of enemy combatant.

Vos Iz Neias : Rahm Emanuel says Obama fed up with Israelis and Palestinians

Tuesday-Wednesday, January 5-6, 2010

Middle East


Israeli children launch balloons with peace messages for children of Gaza

16,244 olim in 2009 was first increase in aliyah in a decade

An Israeli columnist’s 2010 predictions
… by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem

Elena Bonner tells Norwegians about their double standard  … by Dorothea Shefer-Vanson in Mevasseret Zion, Israel

If left-wing Israelis should answer to a higher law, how about right-wing rabbis? … by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem

New U.S.-sponsored U.N. sanctions on Iran would focus on Revolutionary Guard, newspaper reports

Iranian soccer official forced to resign for sending New Year’s greeting to Israeli counterpart

United States of America

Leahy schedules Jan. 20 hearing on Christmas Day bombing plot

4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rules that Zacarias Moussaoui, a convicted conspirator in the 9-11 attacks, is not entitled to a new trial

Schumer, McMahon want U.S. to reimburse NYC for security costs of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed trial

ACLU opposes profiling and full-body scanning of airline passengers


Pope says beatification of Pius XII not hostile to Jews

San Diego

Israel’s Ambassador Michael Oren speech at UCSD scheduled February 8

San Diego State University teams with Congregation Beth El for Mideast lecture series

Days of wine and humor for Congregation Beth Am

Adventures in San Diego History, February 19, 1954 ... compiled by Gail Umeham
--Engagement Told
--Pioneer Women
--Memorial Services By Tri-Synagogues
--Jewish Couples Club
--B.J. Men’s Club Holds Western Frolics YIPI!
--Ida Nasatir Speaks For Sisterhood Wed.
--Beth Jacob News
--Hadassah Sabbath At Beth Jacob
--Home for Aged Aux. Plan Purim Party


A concise and relevant Holocaust compendium for classrooms ... Book review by Marcia Tatz Wollner

Links to stories in other publications

Martin Himel of Wall Street Journal. Video on El Al security philosophy and measures

Rabbi Ben Kamin on Examiner.com: With Tiger comment, Fox News is now 700 Club

Barry Rubin of Rubin Reports: Casualties and Solutions in the Israel-Palestinian Conflict, 2009

Leonel Sanchez of San Diego Union-Tribune, Kosher special delivery

Pentagon Channel reports second day closure of U.S. Embassy in Sana'a, Yemen, in response to possible terrorist attack

Kelly Thornton of Voice of San Diego: A five-part series on District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis, a member of the Jewish community. Here is part one.

U.S State Department: text of news conference of Secretary of State Clinton and Qatar Prime Minister al-Thani

Classified Advertisement

HOUSE TO RENT (091231)--Summer rental in Mevasseret Zion, Israel, July and August. Well-appointed large house with small garden. Can sleep six. Easy access to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Rent negotiable. Tel. +972-2-5345910.


To dedicate an issue for a loved one's simcha, or as a memorial, contact Nancy Harrison at (619) 265 0808.

Sunday-Monday, January 3-4, 2010

Middle East

The empty space ... by Judy Lash Balint in Jerusalem
Time to Run ... by Yarden Frankl in Neve Daniel, Israel

Soft-pedalling external opposition to Iran to help the internal opposition … by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Jerusalem

Arab World
Obama stresses Yemen’s importance in fight against al Qaeda

United States of America

Feinstein seeks revision of terrorist watchlist rules
Republicans want U.S. to treat terrorists as war makers not individual criminals
National Intelligence Director Blair vows agencies will ‘close the gap’
Constitutional Rights advocacy group says attempted airline bombing should not delay closure of Guantanamo
Congress should examine both Patriot Act and Interpol privileges …by Shoshana Bryen in Washington, D.C.


David Amos spotted this story in the Jerusalem Post about the Jews of Zakynthos. 

Cantor Pomerantz-Boro to join Los Angeles area cantors in concert tonight


The Bella Family Circle – from 67 to 120 … by Sheila Orysiek in San Diego

I'm Still Here.... Memoirs of Laura Simon, 104
--My Talk to the Seniors
--Paper Drives Me Crazy
--The Laptop Cometh
--Shorthand Machine
--Court Reporting
--Notes and Diary
--Lazy but Strong and Spicy

Tamar Caspi, formerly of San Diego, has an article in the Jerusalem Post about the different age ranges that men and women are willing to date.

To dedicate an issue for a loved one's simcha, or as a memorial, contact Nancy Harrison at (619) 265 0808.

Go to headlines of 2009